FutuRaM (Future Availability of Secondary Raw Materials)
2 years ago Ruediger Kuehr Comments Off on FutuRaM (Future Availability of Secondary Raw Materials)
FutuRaM (Future Availability of Secondary Raw Materials) is an Horizon Europe funded project with the goal of assessing and securing the availability of secondary raw materials in the EU up to 2050.
FutuRaM will develop the Secondary Raw Materials knowledge base on the availability and recoverability of secondary raw materials (SRMs) within the European Union (EU), with a special focus on critical raw materials (CRMs). The project research will enable fact-based decision making for the recovery and use of SRMs within and outside the EU, and disseminate the data generated via an accessible knowledge base developed in the project.
FutuRaM will establish a methodology, reporting structure, and guidance to improve the raw materials knowledge base up to 2050. It will integrate SRM and CRM data to model their current and future stocks and flows, and consider economic, technological, geopolitical, regulatory, social and environmental factors.
FutuRaM will focus on six waste streams: batteries; electrical and electronic equipment; vehicles; mining; slags and ashes; and construction and demolition. These waste streams represent an important source of CRMs.
This ambitious project will be delivered by a consortium of 28 partners from 11 countries across Europe. Leading universities and research institutes will combine their expertise with industry and industry associations to implement FutuRaM, working closely with the European Commission and other relevant policy makers.
More information on the project can be found at the FutuRaM official website.